How Vipin Sahu bootstrapped WebKul from a one-room flat with a $12/mo food budget

Vipin Sahu, Webkul, B2B, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, Hiring, Indian Founders, International Founders, Mixergy Fan, SaaS (software as a service), Subscription (Membership) Model
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How does a Mixergy fan in India who has a MONTHLY food budget of just $12 bootstrap a profitable software company?

Vipin Sahu is the founder of WebKul, which is a company that builds open source plugins for e-commerce and CMS platforms.

Vipin Sahu

Vipin Sahu


Vipin Sahu is the founder of WebKul, which is a company that builds open source plugins for e-commerce and CMS platforms.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the Founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. Whoo, I’ve got a great interview for you today, an entrepreneur that I don’t think you know yet about, but I think you need to.

We’re going to find out how a Mixergy fan in India who started out with a monthly food budget, a monthly food budget of just 12 bucks, how he bootstrapped a profitable software company. Vipin Sahu is the Founder of Webkul software, a company that builds plug-ins for e-Commerce and CMS plug- ins.

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