How simplicity helped Joel Holland grow Video Blocks to $20,000,000+

Joel Holland, Video Blocks, Hiring, Marketing, Scaling, Subscription (Membership) Model

Here is an entrepreneur who started shooting video and realizing that he was at a disadvantage…

The reason that a lot of video we watch online and on television so interesting is that they have all these different shots. They don’t just start off with a scene. They start off with this aerial shot of Manhattan and then after they’ve shown you the building, they take you into the scene and the conversation starts. Those little things add huge impact. But man, they also add a lot of cost. So today’s guest said, “There’s got to be a better way.” And he built a better way.

Joel Holland, the founder you’re about to meet, created a site called VideoBlocks. It’s a subscription-based provider of stock video and audio. He then expanded it by adding GraphicStock and AudioBlocks which offer graphic and audio.

The company has just grown and grown and grown. I can’t believe how big it’s gotten and we’re going to talk about he did it.

Joel Holland

Video Blocks

Joel Holland is the founder of VideoBlocks, a subscription-based provider of stock video and audio.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of It is, of course, the site where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and home of the ambitious upstart.

I was pausing there for a second because, Joel, I was thinking do I even still like home of the ambitious upstart or am I just repeating that because I’ve been repeating that for years and I should be questioning everything. That’s what that pause was. What do you think of that, “home of the ambitious upstart?”

Joel: Well, I like it because it says exactly what you’re doing. We were kind of chatting offline. I like simplicity. I like it when things say what they are. It seems like you’re the home of the ambitious upstart.

Andrew: That is what we are. And what we have here is an entrepreneur who started shooting video and realizing that he was at a disadvantage, that the guys … I didn’t notice this....

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