Andrew: Hey, the freedom fighter. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And one of the things that new entrepreneurs keep looking for is how do I get that technical? Co-founder I have an idea. I’d like somebody who can partner with me joining me today is someone who essentially is a technical co-founder you can hire and one who can actually do the work.
His name is Chris Stagner. He is the founder of very big things. It’s a digital products and services agency. I didn’t think that somebody could raise money and then go to a company like his and say, okay, now help me think this idea through and design it for me. And then by the way, also build it for me and then I’ll go and, you know, get some traction and raise money.
I didn’t even think that investors would, would go for that or that any entrepreneur would do that. But apparently it’s a...