Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. You ever feel like you just know what’s going to happen? Like, you know, who’s gonna win a game or, you know what Apple’s going to launch or, you know, uh, I don’t know Bitcoin is going to trade for, and you say, I know I’m right, but I just want to be a guy yapping on Twitter and talk about it.
I want to find a way to just get rewarded, to actually put a little bit of money up so that I know that what I’m doing is not just yapping, but also get a prize, get money so that I know that what I’m doing actually has value. And I’m not just trying to pat myself on the back. Well, John BD created an app called an a game and a platform called verses.
would allows you to do is take a position and then they will match you up with someone who takes the opposite...