The Making Of A Venrock Venture Capitalist – with David Pakman

David Pakman, Venrock, Funding, Networking


If you like this interview, you can thank David Pakman on Twitter. –Andrew

Venrock is the pioneering venture capital firm that backed Apple, Intel, DoubleClick and other well-known success stories. I invited one of its newer partners, David Pakman, to find out how he went from working for Apple, to launching and running his own companies to becoming an investor.

I also wanted to hear how a new venture capitalist gets to know people like you, the entrepreneurs and investors who read Mixergy.

David Pakman


David Pakman is a Partner at Venrock in NYC investing in early stage internet and digital media companies.


Andrew: I’ve been doing these interviews for a little over a year. And you know what? They keep improving over and over, and I’ll tell you why. One of the big reasons is that I use a contact form. I make it easy for my audience to contact me, and to give me feedback on my interviews. Use WuFoo on your website. Just create one of their contact forms for free, put it on your website, get feedback from your audience, and see how your business improves. There’s more to WuFoo than that. You can customize the information that you collect from people. You can create great graphs to illustrate the information you’re collecting. Check out for all those features. For now I’ll just tell you, I’ve used them. And you can see, if you look back over my work over the last year, you can see a noticeable improvement, thanks to is my second sponsor. And I use to travel around the world,...

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