Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs. In fact, you can hear it more and more in my interviews. People who used to listen are now on to do an interview themselves and talk about how they built their businesses. That’s my focus here, to help train and inspire real entrepreneurs by interviewing proven entrepreneurs.
So, I feel like I live in the future because the software that the entrepreneurs that I interview and I befriend and the geeks that I befriend and the sites that I look at are always a little bit more advanced than everyone else. And so I taking a lot of interest years ago when I started to see Typeform appear everywhere. Instead of using the old forms that were out there, instead of embedding a form on their sites, people just went to Typeform. And so I started noticing it more...