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Chris Erb, Tripleclix, Bootstrapping, Marketing
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I have not done enough interviews in the gaming space and obviously I see the gaming is huge.

But I haven’t done interviews because I’m not a gamer and I feel out of my element. So I invited Chris Erb. He’s the founder of TripleClix, a video game marketing agency. I want to find out about the space and also how he landed such huge partnerships with a small team and a tiny budget.

Chris Erb

Chris Erb


Chris Erb is the founder of TripleClix, a video game marketing agency.

Andrew Warner: hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how to they built their businesses.   Um, I have not done enough interviews in the gaming space and obviously I see the gaming is huge.

But I haven’t done interviews because I’m not a gamer. And I feel out of my element. And so when, uh, uh, I was talking with Chris herb on Twitter via direct messaging, I said, I’d love to have you on to talk about what triple clicks does, but I have to just completely tell you, I do not know the space. Well, is there somebody who can help get me up to speed?

And Chris said, yeah, I’ve got somebody here at, why don’t you just have a conversation with, uh, what is Tom’s job? He’s the chief marketing officer.

Chris Erb: Yeah, he, uh, yeah, history with Epsilon and he just joined our company a few months ago and he’s a new business...

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