How Justin Jackson built Transistor

Justin Jackson,

I thought today’s guest was making a mistake by getting into podcast hosting. I thought, why does the world need another one of these platforms?

I was wrong. Find out why in this interview.

Justin Jackson is the founder of Transistor, podcast hosting and analytics.

Justin Jackson

Justin Jackson is the founder of Transistor, podcast hosting and analytics.

Andrew: Hey, they’re freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I record, um, interviews with entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs joining me as someone who listened back in the beginning part of Mixergy, and I’ve been watching him for a long time and feeling really bad about any interaction we had because I’m not a customer of his.

His name is Justin Jackson. He is the founder of Transistor. Transistor, is a phenomenal way to publish your podcast. And, um, even though I say that, I feel bad that Mixer G isn’t using it. And that’s a legacy issue that we’re locked into an old system that just works. But every other podcast that I’ve created since I’ve gone directly to a transistor, um, it’s just so beautifully done and I would not have thought that he could pull it off.

When I first found out that he was doing it, I said, there are enough podcast platforms. In...

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