Andrew: hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. You know, one of the big hesitations that we entrepreneurs get in our heads before we start something, is it’s going to be a lot of time, a lot of work, some of our money, maybe a lot of our money and. We’re risking all of it, along with our credibility on an idea on that, um, business that I was going to say could fail, but let’s say is likely to fail and it causes hesitation. It keeps us from starting. It keeps us from building on, well, joining me as an entrepreneur who. Entrepreneurs hate it when I say failed, but I’m going to say it.
You tell me Charles, if you’re uncomfortable with me saying he created this product called He, his goal was to summarize the interesting content, um, on the internet and it failed. And he invested a lot of time into a neon, put a lot...