How to be a leader without being a jerk

Cameron Yarbrough,, B2B, Marketing
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Today’s guest made a pivot from selling shoes to selling psychological services. I want to find out how he did that.

Cameron Yarbrough is the co-founder of, a leadership development company built on principles of psychology and management best practices.

I was afraid his company was too touchy-feely and not big enough. But it’s huge! We’ll find out how big in this interview.

Cameron Yarbrough

Cameron Yarbrough is the co-founder of, a leadership development company built on principles of psychology and management best practices.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and I do it for an audience of entrepreneurs. I almost regretted the topic that we picked for today’s guest. Cameron Yarbrough is a guy who created an online store . . . what was the store called?

Cameron: It’s called Gone Surfing.

Andrew: Gone Surfing. Is it on your LinkedIn profile? I don’t even think I see you talk about it much, not by name anyway.

Cameron: It was so long ago that I don’t talk about it much by name. And it was a big pivot for me going from selling shoes into selling psychological services.

Andrew: So, you know what, I was thinking, we should just spend the interview talking about how the guy created a shoe company that did other things and sold it. What do we do in talking about his new thing, Torch? What does Torch do? Torch is an executive...

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