How Tony Karrer revolutionized how startups transform their ideas into smart mobile apps

Tony Karrer, TechEmpower, B2B, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, Hiring, Lifestyle Business, Mobile Apps, Outsourcing

Joining me is a CTO who realized that a lot of the companies he worked for hit a point where they just didn’t need him any more.

Instead of seeing it as a problem, he saw it as an opportunity. Tony Karrer is an entrepreneur who created an outsourced CTO business. TechEmpower allows companies to transform their innovative ideas into smart web/mobile applications.

Tony Karrer


Tony Karrer is the founder of TechEmpower which allows companies to transform their innovative ideas into smart web/mobile applications.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. Joining me today is a guy who is a CTO who discovered that the companies he worked for often would hit a point where they just didn’t need him anymore.

Instead of seeing it as a problem, he saw it as an opportunity. Tony Karrer is the founder of TechEmpower. He’s an entrepreneur who created an outsource CTO business. He comes in, helps companies out and helps them set themselves up and not be dependent on him. TechEmpower, his company, allows companies to transform their innovative ideas into smart Web and mobile applications.

This interview is sponsored by Toptal. And you know last night, I had some entrepreneurs who I interviewed and some fans from Mixergy over to my house for dinner. I said, “Guys, let me practice what I’m going to say in my interview to pitch Toptal.” They said, “All right,...

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