How to work through leadership growth pains (through writing)

Dave Hanley, Tomorrow, Mobile Apps, Sell Your Business

Today’s guest is Dave Hanley. Dave Hanley is the founder of, an app that allows people to create a trust with a free will, and then back it up with just the right amount of insurance.

Prior to Tomorrow, he helped build Shelfari which was acquired by Amazon. He followed that up with success after success.

I invited him here to talk about how a guy who didn’t even want to get into entrepreneurship built this track record of success.

Dave Hanley


Dave Hanley is the founder of, an app that allows people to create a trust with a free will and a free trust, and then back it up with just the right amount of insurance.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs. And a couple of years ago, after I had my second kid, I think, I finally decided that I was going to go and have a will done. And I didn’t know the beginning of it. I didn’t know what to do, but I had a lawyer come into the office. He asked me a bunch of questions, he got a bunch of data from me. And then he put together what seemed to me, like, basically something that he had in Microsoft Word already on his computer, but he just kind of selected the pages that he needed from me, filled out the blanks that he needed, and, boom, I ended up with this thousand-page document it felt like. And it was okay, actually didn’t cost me as much as I thought it would. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it would be, and my wife and I did it, and we were...

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