Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of Mixergy, home of the ambitious upstart. Today’s interview is a bit different from my usual. So I want to start off by telling you why this conversation is so important to listen to. And why I wanted to have this interview on.
See, think about the first thousand people you that you got to your site and how tough that was. To get just a thousand hits. How about the first 4000? Or the first 10,000? Well, those are just hits on a webpage. Today’s guest got tens of thousands of people to leave their homes and to come out to a festival. And I wanted to find out how he did it. I wanted to find out how he got those people to pay, how he got those people to come, and frankly, how he even was able to put together an event for them to come to.
Again, that’s so much harder than just putting together a webpage. Anyone can do it. But a festival, that’s something on a bigger...