Molehill’s Founder: Aim For Lifestyle, Not A Jackpot – with Tom Rossi

Tom Rossi, Molehill, Lifestyle Business, SaaS (software as a service)

If you click around on Mixergy you’ll see that it’s full of interviews with entrepreneurs who generate millions in sales or who sold their companies for millions.

In this program he’ll hear from a founder who says that’s not all entrepreneurship needs to be about. He’s Tom Rossi, founder of Molehill, which makes three web apps — Tick, msites and Buzzsprout. Each app is profitable, but what’s more important to Tom is that his business lets him spend time with his kids and explore side passions, instead of chasing an elusive jackpot.

Tom Rossi


Tom Ross is the founder of Molehill, a small web application development shop that builds “products that are easy to use, elegantly designed and make you smile.” It’s three apps are:

Tick, an intuitive time tracking application that helps you hit your budgets.
Msites, which let’s you build a real website with no technical knowledge.
Buzzsprout, which is the best way to publish, host, promote and track your podcast.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. It’s Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. If you look at the home of the ambitious upstart, if you see, you’re going to see that it’s full of guys who either earn millions of dollars a year or sold their companies for millions of dollars. That’s what Mixergy’s about. But today’s guest says that’s not what business is all about. He’s Tom Rossi, founder of Molehill, which makes three web apps — Tick, msites, and Buzzsprout. He and I had a conversation about a different way to look at business. I invited him here to Mixergy to talk about it.Tom, if it’s not millions and billions of dollars, then what is it about?

Tom: Well, I think it’s about life. Life isn’t found in those things. We can have all the money in the world, but what are we going to do with it? Where are we going to find happiness? And so, for us, my...

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