How A Self-Promoting Blogger Makes $1.3 Mil A Year And Still Gets No Respect – Timothy Sykes

Timothy Sykes, Investimonials, Brand (branding), Content, Marketing
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The only thing Timothy Sykes wants more than your attention is your money. He wants to find a way for you to notice and remember him, because if you do, you’ll eventually agree with him that he’s a great stock picker and you’ll buy one of his programs so you can learn how he does it. That’s why he says so many outrageous things.

It’s schtick. It’s intentional. And it’s working. Last year, he earned $1.3 million from his blog.

In this interview, he talks very openly about how he gets people to notice him and pay up.  Then he tells you how you can do it too. Well, I don’t think he really believes you have the heart to do it too, but he showed you how it’s done anyway.

Timothy Sykes

Timothy Sykes


Timothy Sykes is an investor who blogs about his trades and teaches investing at You can see some of his products here. He’s also the founder of Investimonials, where you can review anything financial.


Andrew: All right. I’m going to thank my three sponsors before we get started. As you will see in this interview, my work here, my site grew when I got a new design for my website. If you need a quick, reasonably priced design, check out You’ll be able to edit, customize it the way you want it. So check out, and get a design for your site that will help your site grow the way my site grew. All right. Check out also,, if you need to set up an online store quickly. I’m starting to get emails from people who have stores with, really interesting stories. So far nobody’s going to let me say their stories out loud. I guess they don’t want anyone else to know how they’re making their money. I will say this for you, check out In a couple of minutes, you’ll have an online store. And then, hopefully, you’ll come back here and let me interview you, and talk about you publicly....

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