How to systemize business processes (So your company will grow while you’re away) – with Tim Francis

Tim Francis, Tim Francis Marketing, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, Hiring, Marketing, Outsourcing, System

I took a full month off and Mixergy kept going as if I was here. I had my first child and while I spent time with him, my interviews kept getting published. Customers were taken care of. And my audience grew.

It’s all because I applied what I learned in past interviews about how to systemize my business.

Well, I wanted to learn more. So I emailed one of my past interviewees, Sam Carpenter, and I asked him if he’d let me interview one of his star pupils so you, my audience and I could keep learning how to organize our businesses so they could grow without burning us out.

Joining me today is Timothy Francis. He runs a consulting and do-for-you business that helps small businesses increase their traffic, get more leads & grow sales by using marketing tools.

Tim Francis

Tim Francis Marketing

Timothy Francis runs a consulting and do-for-you business that helps small businesses increase their traffic, get more leads & grow sales by using marketing tools.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I am the Founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and frankly between you and me I was the absentee founder of for the whole of last month because I had my first child and when I found out that my wife and I were going to have a child I decided I would take a month off. And in order to do that, make sure that thing don’t grind to a halt, to make sure the customers were taken care off, to make sure the audience [??] grew while I was away, I went back and I studied up on those systems interviews that I have done, those systems courses that we’ve had here on Mixergy and because I [??] the business kept growing,

I was able to spend time with my child and my wife and just really no worry about things and know that everyone was taken care off, my customers, my consultants, my employee here, everyone was taken care off and the business kept growing and I am such a fan of it, I want...

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