Andrew: This interview is sponsored by HayStack, that’s where you’re going to find the right web designer for your next project. Check then out. Hey everyone, it’s Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of home of the ambitious upstart. And what I mean by that is I d
Andrew: 28. He is the cofounder and CEO of a company called Thrillist. Thrillist has 1.5 million E-mail subscribers. We’re talking old school Web 1.0 business that he’s got but he has 1.3 million people who are subscribing and Thrillist scouts bars, gadgets and fashion for it’s audience of urban affluent men aged 20 to 35. How am I doing reading that right off the screen?
Interviewee: Great. That’s beautiful.
Andrew: And what’s exciting for me is big audience, but revenue too. You guys are doing… I read over $5 million. Can you say publicly how much you’re bringing in?
Interviewee: I mean we say sort of...