Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs for an audience of entrepreneurs. Joining me is a long-time listener. I’m excited to have him on here. David Tintner has created a product that I don’t know.
We could communicate clearly enough. I think you’ve got to see it to just. Be blown away by how amazing it is. I know that’s what happened to me. Company name is thought leaders and frankly, David, when I first heard it was thought leaders, I said, Oh no, this is like this social media influencer thought leader thing.
It’s I dismissed it. Is that fair to say, am I the first person to say that?
David: Well, you bring up something really interesting and that’s. The term influencer, and that’s actually a term that I totally get. Why, why you dismissed it in the term that we kind of, like, we try to walk the line with w where we don’t...