Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs and uh, joining me is someone who was. One of my first entrepreneurs and frankly the first person who did video with me and allowed me to grow and Someone who also allowed me to to challenge him.
His name is Seth Godin. He is author of multiple books and back in 2008 He did an amazing thing He said if you buy my book you can come and record my live Presentation and post it on the internet at a time when everyone said well if you post it on the internet No one’s gonna want to see you live again He bucked the system.
He let me do it. Huge for traffic. And I think, um, Seth, you acknowledge it. You sent me an email and I love that you said, you’re probably getting a lot of traffic. And yes, I did. I was getting a lot of traffic. I was impressed that you saw it. The year later, 2009, he came out, or he did an interview with me...