Growth systems used by churches that you can apply to your business – with Casey Graham

Casey Graham, The Rocket Company, B2B, Marketing, Non-Tech, Scaling, Sell Your Business
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What’s interesting to me is that I keep thinking of businesses as serving the same groups of customers. And maybe that feeling inside me has been exaggerated since I moved to San Francisco where it feels like everyone is trying to create a consumer-based business for the same group of people without charging them.

Sometimes it really feels like that. But I love it when I see someone who creates a business that’s aimed at a completely different market, one that I never would have thought of and that it’s actually doing really well.

That’s what’s exciting to me about the guest that you’re about to meet. His name is Casey Graham. He founded The Rocket Company. It gives pastors everything they didn’t learn in school. I actually downloaded some of their sermon suggestions just to give you a sense of the kind of thing they do.

Pastors have to give sermons every Sunday, right? So, he gives them material to create their sermon so that it’s fresh. It’s exciting and they don’t have to keep coming up with it on their own. I say he does, but he doesn’t anymore. He sold the company and we’re going to find out how he started it, how he built it, why he sold it and what that sale was like.

Casey Graham

Casey Graham

The Rocket Company

Casey Graham is the founder of The Rocket Company, which gives pastors everything they didn’t learn in school.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart and the place where I’ve done interviews with over a thousand entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

What’s interesting to me is that I keep thinking of businesses as serving the same groups of customers. And maybe it’s been that feeling inside me has been exaggerated since I moved to San Francisco and everyone is trying to create a consumer-based business, it feels like, for the same group of people without charging them. Sometimes it feels like that. But I love it when I see someone who creates a business that’s aimed at a completely different market, one that I never would have thought of and that it’s actually doing really well.

That’s what’s exciting to me about the guest that you’re about to meet. His name is Casey Graham. He founded The Rocket Company. It gives pastors...

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