How Graham Cochrane went from food stamps to building a $600,000/yr blog

Graham Cochrane, The Recording Revolution

The thing about entrepreneurship is that, at least for me, ever since I became an entrepreneur, whenever I saw a homeless man in the street, I always thought one day that could be me and it would just scare me.

Today I’ve got a guest who started a company blogging. He started creating YouTube videos and teaching. He was building up an audience and all the things you’re supposed to do, all the things they tell you. He did it. And then he went on food stamps.

This fear that I had actually became his reality, as much as he didn’t want it. He went in kicking and screaming. We’ll find out why he had to kick and scream and what got him to finally do it.

Graham Cochrane is the founder of The Recording Revolution, a site dedicated to making better sounding music in their home studios.

Graham Cochrane

The Recording Revolution

Graham Cochrane is the founder of The Recording Revolution, a site dedicated to making better sounding music in their home studios.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart. It’s the place where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

The thing about entrepreneurship is that, at least for me, ever since I became an entrepreneur, whenever I saw a homeless man in the street, I always thought one day that could be me and it would just scare me. In fact, even before I became an entrepreneur, when I was in school thinking this is the direction I want to go in, I thought, “I could be homeless. If not homeless, I could be on welfare. I could be… I don’t know, in real financial trouble.”

Today I’ve got a guest who started a company–he started blogging. He started creating YouTube videos. He started teaching. He started building up an audience and all the things you’re supposed to do, all the things they tell you, “If you do that,...

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