How to persuade potential customers into becoming customers

Bushra Azhar, The Persuasion Revolution, B2B, Content, Educational Company, International Founders, Non-Tech, Women Founders
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You’re about to hear from a woman who has built up a business in a part of the world that you wouldn’t expect.

Bushra Azhar is the founder of The Persuasion Revolution, where small businesses make big bucks using the psychology of persuasion.

I want to find out how she built her business and the persuasion techniques she teaches her customers.

Bushra Azhar is the founder of The Persuasion Revolution, where small businesses make big bucks using the psychology of persuasion.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I know that a lot of you are going to tune out as soon as you hear my guest’s voice because she has an accent. It doesn’t matter if in this interview you’re going to find out how to persuade your customers and potential customers better. It doesn’t matter if she’s going to teach you one technique that you’re going to use for the rest of your life.

You probably–I understand the way that people think–are going to hear an accent where it’s going to take you maybe five minutes to fully adjust to it, and you’re going to say, “Screw it, I’m going to see what’s going on in my podcast app.”

But for the few of you who will listen in, you are going to hear a woman who, in a part of the world where you wouldn’t expect it, has built up a business that touches the whole world, where, by teaching persuasion she is earning good...

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