Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is Sam Parr. I’ve watched him build the hustle over the years, and it started out as this email newsletter with a few thousand subscribers doing well.
And then it just became massively successful. Because he’s targeting an audience of entrepreneurs. In fact, just about everyone who is listening to this podcast is, is his target audience. And he keeps things really interesting in, I think that does it justice to say, keep it interesting right, Sam, it’s a great email.
Newsletter makes money from advertising. And at some point last year, he said, you know what? This thing is working, but we need to add a new element to our business. And he came out with this subscription service called trends that a lot of people in my audience had been telling me about. And what trends...