Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And of course, I run a business for entrepreneurs. That’s very similar to the one that today’s guests created. I invited him here because I want to learn how he did it.
I want to see what’s worked for him. And obviously there are ways that we could improve always. And I want to find out what I could learn from him. All right. So today’s guest is Ben Aston. He is the founder of digital project manager. It’s a place where project managers can go in and learn and find out what’s going on in their industry and the way he monetizes it is he’s got advertising and I’ve got advertising.
You’ll hear my ads in a moment. He also has a. Courses that he sells one at a time and he’s got a membership. So he’s got three different revenue sources,...