Solving the huge pain of haircuts

Obi Omile, theCut, Marketplace, Mobile Apps, Scaling, Social Media
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I am so freaking excited about the problem today’s guest is solving.

Obi Omile is the founder of theCut, a barbershop technology platform that allows users and barbers to schedule and manage appointments.

I want to find out how he grew this app to 7 figures.

Obi Omile

Obi Omile


Obi Omile is the founder of theCut, a barbershop technology platform that allows users and barbers to schedule and manage appointments.

Andrew: Freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I freaking love this idea. Oh, check this out. I buzzed my hair. Right? You want to know something? I started out buzzing my hair cause I thought it just looked so easy.

It felt zen-like get rid of hair. Don’t worry about going to a barber. Nobody liked it. No, my wife doesn’t like it. My friends don’t like it. Nobody thinks I look good that way.

Obi: I mean, what’d your hair look like before? I mean, this isn’t, this is not a bad look. I can see you pulling off this look.

Andrew: Just a little bit of extra hair here. Just a little bit of some style, a little bit buzzed on the side. Right? A little more at

Obi: Okay.

Andrew: know how much of a pain in the butt it is just to get my hair cut.

Obi: I can understand how it can be a struggle for some folks,...

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