Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And, uh, I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs who are building their companies and kind of coming up with ideas based on what they hear in these interviews.
So. I’m on Twitter all the time, talking to my friends and one of the companies that they, and the founders that they talk about a lot is this guy, Sam Shepler. And the reason Sam comes up is because testimonials are a thing that a lot of businesses are looking for. And when they’re looking for testimonial videos, often they realize, you know, most testimony, video.
They’re nice. They’re sweet. They’re well-intentioned and they’re a pain to listen to. They’re just so annoying and they don’t really persuade because the person is earnest, but not clear. There’s not anyway. And what Sam...