How this founder funded his startup by making millions through online poker

Michael Jackness, Terran, Brand (branding), eCommerce, Physical Product
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Today’s guest is Michael Jackness. He’s a guy who gave up online poker and got into e-commerce.

He did it despite the existence of Amazon.

Michael Jackness is the founder of which owns and builds amazing brands and content sites.

Michael Jackness


Michael Jackness is the founder of which owns and builds amazing brands and content sites.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs. I say that because you know what, most people are not real entrepreneurs. I think being a founder now is a cool thing to do and to be, and so people call themselves entrepreneurs, they want to be entrepreneurs. And the truth is, they’re not, they’re not. They don’t really care. What they want is to feel like if they want the outfit or the . . . There’s no outfit or business card exactly, so instead, what they want is to be around it and then they don’t do jack.

My audience, though on the other hand, is actual doers, people who really are trying something, who are building something, who aspire to something bigger. And that aspiration feels great and also can be a little bit tough to deal with. And so I do these interviews to find...

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