Andrew Warner 0:04
In freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m not gonna do the whole intro, I got to tell you this is exactly what I was looking for when I put out a call on Twitter saying, Is there anyone who’s doing better now? or doing well now post the CO Corona crisis, despite what’s going on. And the reason that I say that today’s guests Michael Alexis is perfectly exactly what I was looking for is because he is the inspiration that I think that we need. Just before this whole thing hit the guy bought museum hack, a company that he was very closely affiliated with, and we’ll understand what, how, within this interview, the whole idea behind museum hack is that they take you they take your loved ones, they take your co workers, they take you and other people into museums. Now, number one, you can’t get into museums right now. Number two, you can’t get next to your loved ones. You can’t get next to strangers you...