Solving the problem of form abandonment (with a more modern experience)

Ish Jindal, TARS, B2B, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, International Founders, Marketing, Mixergy Fan
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Joining me today is an entrepreneur I’m especially excited to talk about for a few different reasons. Number one, he’s a Mixergy listener. He’s somebody who’s listened just like you and has had these stories embedded in his head. Number two, he is outside the United States.

He is in India where I’m seeing more and more entrepreneurs are doing killer stuff.

The problem he saw is people don’t like forms. People like people. And so you’re going to get a lot of drop off when leads don’t want to fill in your form and give you their email address. That means you are losing people that you paid money for or you worked hard to create a site to cater to.

Ish Jindal is the founder of TARS which helps businesses boost their PPC conversion rates through Conversational Landing Pages.

Ish Jindal

Ish Jindal


Ish Jindal is the founder of TARS which helps businesses boost their PPC conversion rates through Conversational Landing Pages.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs. Believe it or not, you listen to these interviews, these stories will be embedded in your head and I promise at the time when you need them, they will just come out. They are programmed to be that way. You don’t have to take notes, you just have to trust that a story well told will be memorable enough that when you need the point of it, it will be there for you.

Joining me today is an entrepreneur I’m especially excited to talk about for a few different reasons. Number one, he’s a listener. He’s somebody who’s listened just like you and has had these stories embedded in his head. Number two, he is outside the United States. I have long said, yes, I live in San Francisco. I’m not living here for my sake. My wife loves living here....

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