You’re a founder and you get COVID-19. Now what?

Thomas van der Kleij, Tapfiliate, Covid Recession, European Founder, International Founders, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

I was supposed to do this interview weeks and weeks ago. But the day of the interview, I talked to Thomas and he told me that he had COVID-19. I had never heard of anyone who had COVID-19.

I got really worried for him and we stayed in touch. Eventually he recovered and he’s finally here to tell me about his business and his experience with this illness.

Thomas van der Kleij is the founder of Tapfiliate, software that takes care of all your affiliate and referral marketing needs.

Thomas van der Kleij


Thomas van der Kleij is the founder of Tapfiliate, software that takes care of all your affiliate and referral marketing needs.

Andrew Warner 0:04
Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I was supposed to do this interview weeks and weeks and weeks ago. And the day of the interview, I talked to Thomas and he told me that he had COVID-19. I had never heard of anyone who had COVID-19. This is in the early days of of the pandemic, we didn’t even know that it was a pandemic at the time. And I chatted with him, I got really worried for him largely because I got wrapped up in his story. Here’s a guy who at a previous company that I don’t know that I could relate to this in the US, but he worked at a company that helped squatters squat in abandoned buildings. Like we don’t have that in the US companies that help squatters companies. Maybe they kick out squatters. Anyway, he worked at a company that worked with squatters. He ended up turning it into kind of startup housing or startup office. Am I right Thomas office environment for them.

Thomas van der Kleij...

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