Case Study: A business idea that could only exist in the chat space

Peter Buchroithner,, European Founder, International Founders, Messaging, Social Media
Get the whole interview here

I’ve been looking for a big success in the chat space to bring on Mixergy. I asked Nir Eyal about it and he said, “What about Swelly?”

Nir introduced me to the founder and he agreed to do an interview.

Today’s guest came up with an idea that couldn’t exist outside of chat. Peter Buchroithner is the founder of Swelly, which allows users to get the opinions of their friends.

I want to find out how he did it, what’s working in chat, and what’s not.

Peter Buchroithner

Peter Buchroithner

Peter Buchroithner is the founder of Swelly, which allows users to get the opinions of their friends.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the persistent host of a podcast called Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And months ago, I guess it’s been over half a year ago, I had dinner with Nir Eyal and I said, “This whole chatbot thing is really exciting, but is there a big success business in the chat space?” And he said, “Yeah, there’s Swelly.” I said, “Would you please introduce me to the founder?” and he goes, “Yeah, I could do it.” I said, “I want to ask him for an interview.” He says, “Yeah, I could do it.”

It’s actually now that I think about it been a year because Nir hasn’t lived in San Francisco for about half a year at least, so it’s been a while. And so he made the introduction and Nir opens doors, so he made the introduction and I got no interview and then I followed up and I still...

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