Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. A few weeks ago here, at home of the ambitious upstart, someone joined Mixergy Premium and when she joined our system asked her, “Why? What do you want out of this program?” Because that’s our goal, to not just give you guys interviews but to make sure that the work that I do here, and the work that the Mixergy team does here, helps you build your business.
So when we asked why, she said, “I want to know how to grow from $1.4 million in sales to $5 million and to create the products and automated funnels to do it.” We talked internally and we said, “Hey, we should have her on to talk about how she got to $1.4 million in sales.” And that’s what this interview is about.
Susan Lassiter-Lyons is the Founder and Chief Fun Officer of Lassiter Marketing Group, which develops, publishes and...