SupportNinja founder opens up about mental health

Cody McLain, SupportNinja, B2B, Bootstrapping, Mental Game, Outsourcing

We’re going to find out about an entrepreneur who has done so well for so long but has gotten screwed a little bit.

Cody McLain is the founder of SupportNinja which offers support as a service. You know how much of a pain in the butt it is for you to manage your customer support email? And as your company grows, it becomes even harder and harder. Well, Cody said, “You know what? What if I just do it? I know it’s one of the hardest parts of business. I think I could do it.”

SupportNinja is an omnichannel provider of customer care, back office support solutions. We’re going to find out about this business. We’re also going to find out a little bit about his life before foster care and what happened to his parents.

Cody McLain


Cody McLain is the founder of SupportNinja which offers support as a service.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. Joining me . . . actually, why am I saying joining me? I should introduce myself first. I’m Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I’m also a person who is intensity is so . . . like I’m always so on fire, Cody, that literally I was on vacation just a couple of weeks ago. I was diving into every single wave I could if not using it as body surfing material to get me out. And I was literally yelling out loud, “Wow,” when a big way would come to the point where people are looking at me like, “Who are you saying wow to? You don’t know anyone in the water.” Because my family had gone back to take naps. And I was so exuberant, I dove headfirst into a wave that ended up being so shallow that I heard my head, I heard it crack. I had to go get an X-ray. I couldn’t run for a week.

But I’m that exuberant...

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