A look at Web3’s art market

John Crain, SuperRare
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Some of you are going to love what today’s company sells and others are going to not just hate it, but hate me for even talking about it.

John Crain is the founder of SuperRare, a marketplace to buy and sell NFTs from the world’s top artists.

And still, despite the fact that you could right-click and save the art to your computer, they’ve sold over a quarter billion dollars worth of digital art in their marketplace.

I wanted to understand how so I invited the founder here to talk about it.

John Crain

John Crain


John Crain is the founder of SuperRare, a marketplace to buy and sell NFTs from the world’s top artists.


Andrew: Hey there, Freedom Fighters. My name is Andrew Warner and, uh, some of you are going to love what this company sells. The one that I’m gonna talk to you about and others are going to not just hate it, but hate. for quote unquote, buying into this madness. All right. What’s this about? John Crane is the co-founder of Super rare Labs.

Let me say it again. Super rare labs. They sell NFTs. Yep. The digital art that you can right click and save to your computer for free. what they sell. And still, despite the fact that yes, you could outsmart the whole system and right click and save to your computer. They sold over a quarter billion dollars worth of this type of digital art in their marketplace.

I wanted to understand how, and so I invited the founder here to talk about it. I also wanted to know why they were switching their business model to a Dow. Do you know what a DOW is? D ao. It stands for a decentralized, autonomous...

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