Reducing churn starts with this

Shreesha Ramdas, Strikedeck, B2B, SaaS (software as a service)
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Shreesha Ramdas


Shreesha Ramdas is the founder of Strikedeck, which captures and organized customer feedback.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Um, joining me as an entrepreneur who said that.

SAS is great. And one of the beauties about SAS is that you get a customer, they pay you monthly or annually, and then you get that recurring business with them recurring relationship, but also a recurring revenue from them. And everyone talks about how can we get more of those customers? Because they’re just so valuable, but he said, What about churn?

What about the need to pay attention to when they’re so unhappy that they leave and what impact that has, and maybe we could actually reduce churn. And if we were juice churn, it’s better for revenue growth than going out and looking for more customers. So Theresa rammed us focused on that. He created a company called strike deck.

They are the customer success platform that...

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