Andrew: Hey there, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I got to tell you, I invited today’s guests largely because I just find them so fascinating. I’m just curious about you trusted, ostensibly, the reason that you’re here Tristan is that you created this company that said, Hey, you know what?
There are all these empty storefronts. What if we could do something with them? What if we could create pop-up stores in them? Right. And the example that I’ve seen in the past is. Well, Apple has her Apple store. Samsung has no store. What if Samsung could create a popup store? What about the influencer?
Who you watch on YouTube or whoever they should have a store where they could do it? What about the Instagram or as a designer, they could have a store people pop in for the day they pay what I wouldn’t on your site. 250 bucks. They get a beautiful...