Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy. I’ve been really eager to do this interview for a long time. Joining me is Brandon Krieg. He is the founder of Stash. Stash is . . . I was going say the software but it’s much more than that. So I’ll call it a company for now until I explain it. It’s something I’ve been reading a lot about in blog posts and seeing people on YouTube talk about. People who’ve never saved money before and never invested before are now not just doing it, both saving money and then investing it, but they actually feel a sense of confidence in it and such pride that they are blogging about it, they’re talking about it all because of what Brandon has done.
So Stash is a mobile first investment platform that helps people simplify their investing and banking through education and user experience. I don’t think even that description does it justice. What...