Total failures, base hits, and big successes: a serial entrepreneur story

Andrew Vasylyk, StartupSoft, B2B, Failure, International Founders, Mental Game, Scaling

Joining me is a guy who has started more companies than I can keep track of.

He had such a fire inside him while in school that he had to go out and do it. So he dropped out of school, started a company, and it didn’t work out well. But he kept going.

Andrew Vasylyk is the founder of StartupSoft which helps startups scale a remote team.

Andrew Vasylyk


Andrew Vasylyk is the founder of StartupSoft which helps startups scale a remote team.

Andrew W: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is a guy who . . . He started more companies than I think I could keep track of. And he told me that it led him to just drop out of school. He had this fire, he had the sense of ideas, and he had to go out and do it. So he dropped out, started a company, didn’t work out well. We’re going to find out why, few companies.

How would you rate overall your performance before the company we’re about to start today?

Andrew V: Andrew, so starting more companies than you can count, I don’t know that’s necessarily a thing. My performance, to me like as an entrepreneur . . .

Andrew W: Were they like successful before or was it just a bunch of . . . ? A bunch of what? How would you say it? Base hits?

Andrew V: I think right now, overall, it was . . . Right...

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