Andrew: Hello, there freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy. Where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I attempt to speak a little too fast. I will slow it down. A while back we had this sponsor called StartEngine and I was really excited about it because it’s a new way to raise money.
Crowdfunding kind of like what we’ve seen with Kickstarter, but instead of just getting the product you actually get to participate in the ownership of the business. I thought that was really innovative. I was very proud that we had him as a sponsor.
But what kind of drew my eye was the section of the bio where I saw that the founder was a co-founder of Activision, and of Acclaim, was running Acclaim, bought Acclaim from bankruptcy. I thought his background was just really fascinating. I said how do we not get the founder of StartEngine to come on and talk about his background and also to talk about...