How this virtual assistant turned ONE client into a company that scales

Michelle Penczak, Squared Away, B2B, Hiring, Non-Tech, Outsourcing, Women Founders

Today’s guest started a virtual assistant company that I find especially interesting for a few reasons. One, she is a military spouse and she discovered an untapped resource in military spouses. They make ideal assistants and we’ll get into why in this interview. But number two, there are virtual assistant companies all over the place. How is she still growing?

We’ll find out. Michelle Penczak is the co-founder of Squared Away, which helps CEOs, VCs, executives, and startup teams get their time back through virtual assistants.

Michelle Penczak

Squared Away

Michelle Penczak is the co-founder of Squared Away, which helps CEOs, VCs, executives, and startup teams get their time back through virtual assistants.

Andrew Warner:   hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about , how they built their businesses for an audience, real entrepreneurs, I’m just going right through the central. My friend, Shane Mac has been kind of telling me about this company that he’s involved with.

He was running it. A venture funded company. I backed the company. I invested in it. But time to felt like this new company was the thing that was more exciting, or maybe that’s just the way Shane is, whatever he’s talking about. He’s always super excited about it. Turns out he had this assistant and  he, and she decided, you know what, why don’t we start a virtual system company and let other people hire people like you? Michelle Penn, Zack, that was his assistant. Who’s now running this company would tweet out her numbers.

Here’s how this business grown. Here’s how...

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