How Sprinklr became a billion dollar unicorn – with Ragy Thomas

Ragy Thomas, Sprinklr, B2B, Hiring, International Founders, Marketing, Social Media, System

What you’ll notice when you look out into the entrepreneurial landscape is that most people don’t even see changes as they happen. It’s not until years later that they realize there’s been a big shift in the market.

Well, today’s guest saw the big shift. One that went from email marketing to social media. He saw it as it was happening and he started a business around it. Last I hear the business was worth $1.2 billion dollars which makes it a unicorn.

Ragy Thomas is the founder of Sprinklr, which offers social media management system that enables global scale of social customer experience management.

Ragy Thomas


Ragy Thomas is the founder of Sprinklr, which offers social media management system that enables global scale of social customer experience management (CEM) for the social enterprise.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It’s the place where I interview entrepreneurs for an audience of entrepreneurs.

The goal here is, of course, that you’ll listen to these interviews, the ideas, the stories will be embedded in your head and without you actually even having to take notes, the way these entrepreneurs think will penetrate your thought process and you’ll start to think more like them.

And if you’ve been listening for any period of time now, you’ve noticed that many of the people who I’ve been interviewing are people who were listening to these interviews and that’s my goal. I want everybody who’s listening to them to learn from them, build a company and then come back here and do an interview and teach others what you’ve learned along the way.

Now, what you’ll notice as you look at out the entrepreneurial landscape and the business...

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