How to bounce back after losing $100M (through leveraging relationships)

David Meltzer, Sports 1 Marketing, B2B, Failure, Marketing, Mental Game, Networking, Non-Tech

Joining me today is an entrepreneur who says he went from rags to riches. Unfortunately, he went right back to rags in a really bad situation that helped him lose what he says is over $100 million. But through hard work, through patience, and through the belief of people around him the guy was able to get right back up to the top.

David Meltzer is co-founder of Sports1Marketing, a global sports and entertainment marketing agency.

We’ll talk about what that means and what his connection is to events like the Super Bowl. He is also the author of multiple books, including the latest which is called “Game-Time Decision Making: High-Scoring Decision Making Strategies from the Biggest Names in Sports.”

David Meltzer

Sports 1 Marketing

David Meltzer is co-founder of Sports1Marketing, a global sports and entertainment marketing agency.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I should say the reason I called my audience freedom fighters is because I was living in Argentina and I remember people used to look for the government to help them. But in Argentina, that wasn’t true. They used to look for revolutionaries to come in and, like, overthrow the government, but at some point, you realize that just creates a whole big mess.

And what I noticed people who were living in Argentina were looking for was entrepreneurs to save them, entrepreneurs to allow them to, for example, buy computers without having to pay an arm and a leg, which is what the government used to require. Entrepreneurs to give them access to other people that they could hire, that they could be hired by, that they could work with. Entrepreneurs to just bring them the stuff that would free them of, frankly, the...

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