If you’re someone who’s looking to start a business and hasn’t, this is the model for you

Gajan Retnasaba, Spiralyze, B2B, Mixergy Fan, SaaS (software as a service)

I know that some of you who are listening are probably thinking of yourselves as wantrepreneurs. Well,  joining me today is an entrepreneur who maybe would’ve considered himself that as well.

But one day he said, “There’s something about just listening to entrepreneurs tell their stories. Eventually you start to realize, wait, I don’t have to just listen. I could be the person doing this.”

Gajan Retnasaba is the founder of Spiralyze, full-service conversion optimization and performance pricing. We’re going to talk about how he came to see himself as an entrepreneur. And if there’s someone out there who’s looking to start and hasn’t started, this is a model for you.

Gajan Retnasaba


Gajan Retnasaba is the founder of Spiralyze, full-service conversion optimization and performance pricing.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner.

I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview about how they built their businesses. And I know that some of you who are listening are probably thinking of yourselves as wantrepreneurs joining me today is an entrepreneur who maybe would’ve considered himself. That I think actually before we got started, he said, I wasn’t even a wantrepreneur.

I just thought that people who are entrepreneurs are these like other beings somewhere else. I didn’t pay much attention to them. And I didn’t think that was a path for me. And he said, you know, there’s something to be said for just listening to entrepreneurs, tell their stories. Eventually, if it’s for you, you start to realize, wait, I don’t have to just listen.

I could be the guy doing this. I could be the person building a company like that. Anyway, that’s his path. And I wouldn’t have known...

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