Bringing technology to the parking industry

Jerry Skillett, SPACES

My guest today has been in the parking industry for forty years. Instead of just doing the same thing–which was working–he decided to bring innovation and technology to what he calls a “grudge purchase.”

I want to find out how he did it.

Jerry Skillett is the founder of SPACES, a contactless parking payments platform.

Jerry Skillett


Jerry Skillett is the founder of SPACES, a contactless parking payments platform.

Andrew: Hey, they’re freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs.

We’re often building their businesses. We’ve talked about software as a service invading. I wouldn’t even call it invading, getting everywhere. One place that we hadn’t talked about, and I hadn’t seen it yet is in parking garages. Get this today’s guest, Jerry Scott recognize something that you and I recognize when you go park your car somewhere, where are you?

By the way, Jerry, are you in a hotel?

Jerry: Yeah.

Andrew: You are. Okay. All right. Um, thanks for doing this from there. When you get into, when you go out of a parking garage from the mall or from a hotel, You can end up waiting in a line of five, six cars. And if the person in front of you as kids who are screaming, it’s going to take...

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