How a Canadian transplant built and self-funded in less than two years – with Sol Orwell

Sol Orwell, Examine, Bootstrapping, Content, Educational Company
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I’m a little embarrassed to say I almost rejected today’s guest. At first I thought this story was a little too small. And then he told me how much revenue his business was doing and I realized oh, it’s bigger even when I spent hours researching.

Then he told me about his past, and I said, “We’ve got to get you on here. “My guest’s name is Sol Orwell. He is the co-founder of, an online independent research guide about supplements and nutrition.

Sol Orwell

Sol Orwell


Sol Orwell, co-founder an online, independent research guide about? supplements and nutrition.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, home of the ambitious upstart, and I’m little embarrassed to say I almost rejected today’s guest. We actually got on about 20 minutes ago on Skype. I talked to him and I said, “It’s feels like this story is a little too small. And then he told me how much revenue his business was doing and I realized oh, it’s bigger. He told me about how this one business is part of a much bigger collection of businesses, and I realized, “Oh, there’s so much more than I realized, even when I spent hours researching,” and then he told me about his past, and I said, “Oh, we’ve got to get you on here.”

My guest’s name is Sol Orwell. He is the co-founder of, an online independent research guide about supplements and nutrition. That is one business that is part of a bigger collection of businesses, and frankly I...

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