How The “I Wear Your Shirt Guy” Uses Social Media To Get People To Watch Him Wear T-Shirts – with Jason Sadler

Jason Sadler, IWearYourShirt, Marketing, Social Media
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Jason Sadler, founder of IWearYourShirt, is going to use social media to talk about 365 companies this year. How does he keep from sounding like an annoying social media sponsor? And what can you use to build your business using social media?

Jason Sadler

Jason Sadler


Jason Sadler is the founder of I Wear Your Shirt, a site where companies pay to have their shirts worn on social media sites like Twitter, Ustream and YouTube.


To learn from Jason, read this edited except from the program he recorded with me for Mixergy.

What’s your business?

I’s me, Jason Sadler, wearing shirts every day in 2009. I’m selling to the world what shirt I wear.

You use social media tools like Twitter, YouTube and ustream to pitch the company whose shirt you’re wearing. How do you keep it interesting?

I don’t just throw up a vide on YouTube and say, “This is the greatest video ever. Enjoy it!’

I’ve asked people on multiple occasions, “Do you guys like my videos? Do you think they’re fun? Do you think they’re funny?”

My girlfriend laughs at me. Because I’ll create a video and I’ll laugh at the end of the video because I think it’s funny. And she’s like, “That’s dumb. You just laughed at your own video.”

And I’ll ask, “Did you think that was funny?”

She’s like, “no.”

So I say, “oh, then I better change it.” Because if it’s just funny to me, it’s not good.

I’ve had a lot of people give me feedback. I’m constantly asking people to post comments on my blog–not so I can get my comments up. It’s just to say, “What do you guys think of this? How’s the live stream going? Am I boring you guys to death yet? You’ve been watching me for 34 days. What can I do to improve?”

Once you start building that audience, you need to engage with them. You need to let them feel like they’re a part of it. I think you could probably ask 50 to 100 people who are on every day if they feel like they’ve had an integral part of building this web site. And I’m assuming they’ll say “yes.”

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