Staying tenacious and agile (even when something’s working)

Chad Newell,, Hiring, Marketplace

I don’t know how today’s guest is still standing. Chad Newell is running a company that has pivoted so many times for so many different reasons.

The tenacity and the agility it must have taken to stay with it fascinates me. We’ll find out how he did it in this interview.

Chad Newell co-founder and CEO of which lets teams find and hire the top creative freelancers to produce visual content seamlessly.

Chad Newell

Chad Newell co-founder and CEO of which lets teams find and hire the top creative freelancers to produce visual content seamlessly.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I don’t know how today’s guest is still standing. Chad, to be honest with you, Chad Newell is running a company that the pivots that you took to me are the, the interesting things.

Because Chad, you had a business where you, you found a way to get photographers online. Actually even going back before that you had a business which was doing Fatah, which was, well, you know what, let me do this. Instead of me telling you, I’m going to say this to the audience. This is the guy who found the model several times and still had to pivot and pivot and change and start over.

And he kept on going. And as a result today, he’s got a business that’s doing incredibly well. I invited him here to talk about how he did it, why he pivoted what happened during those pivots. And we’re...

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