How Snappa founder is so organized he has time for brunch…brunch!

Christopher Gimmer, Snappa, Bootstrapping, Marketing, Marketplace, System

I’ve been told that I ask too many personal questions in my interviews. As much as I want to accommodate the audience and give them what they want, I’m never going to cut back on the personal questions.

Personal questions aren’t just prying, they lead to a better understanding of the business.

Well, today’s guest came over for Scotch Night and I noticed he was so freaking relaxed. If you’re in SF, in tech, you’re not typically such a calm person.

That led to some personal question I had for him. You’ll hear the answers in this interview.

Christopher Gimmer is a Co-Founder of Snappa which is the fastest way for marketers and entrepreneurs to create graphics.

Christopher Gimmer


Christopher Gimmer is a Co-Founder of Snappa which is the fastest way for marketers and entrepreneurs to create graphics.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy and the guy who’s been getting a lot of feedback about how I am not speaking into the mic properly. So I’m going to do a better job of that here.

The other thing that I get a lot of feedback on is that I ask too many personal questions in my interviews. As much as I want to accommodate the audience in what you want, I have to be honest with you — I’m never going to accommodate that. I will never cut back on the personal questions that I ask. I think, actually, that you, the listener, needs to ask more personal questions too. I think you’re going to see in this interview that personal questions lead to an understanding of the business. It’s not just prying. It’s getting to know the person, but it’s also getting to know their business.

I’ll give you an example. It actually comes from a story that I experienced with today’s guest....

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