Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview proven entrepreneurs about how they built their mega-successful businesses.
Today’s guest is someone who built his business on someone else’s platform. Specifically, he’s got apps that work on the Shopify platform, and I think that when it comes to something like this, a lot of businesses are hesitant. They don’t want to create a product that works only on one person’s platform because what happens if there’s a change in the business? What happens if this? What happens if that? All legitimate concerns. Still, it’s working. It’s working for him, and it’s working for other businesses, and I think we need to understand this model.
Devin Zander is the founder of SMAR7 Apps. They make tools that help Shopify storeowners boost their sales and automate their stores. One of their tools is called SMAR7 Bundle...