Software that improves user experience (and grows your email list)

Mogens Moller, Sleeknote, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, European Founder, International Founders, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

When I first started Mixergy, digital marketers were using pop-ups on their sites. It might have created a bad user experience but it did lead to more email subscribers.

Well. today’s guest says you can still get those results without using 2004 tactics. You can be proud of the way you collect email addresses and have it actually improve the user experience.

Mogens Moller is the co-founder at Sleeknote, a tool to guide visitors on online stores to become leads and customers with personalized and targeted onsite messages.

I invited him here to talk about how he came up with the idea and what he did when a competitor popped up in the space.

Mogens Moller


Mogens Moller is the co-founder at Sleeknote, a tool to guide visitors on online stores to become leads and customers with personalized and targeted onsite messages.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And I remember when I started Mixergy, the digital marketers were putting popups up on their site. And I remember one specifically, I won’t call him out because he gets pretty aggressive with people who even criticize him a little bit. But he said, “The numbers are big. People are actually putting in their email addresses. Why wouldn’t I do that? I get a lot of complaints. But those people don’t understand business. Business tells me I get a lot of email addresses if I put up a popup. And so I’m doing it.”

And truthfully, there were publishers who didn’t agree with that for years. And then I saw it spread because it does work, even though it creates a bad user experience. In many cases, it does work. Even Bill Gates, I was on his site, he had a popup asking for an...

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